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Palo Alto Climate Rally



I’m reaching out on behalf of Fridays For the Future, a climate movement fighting for action across the World. The movement is having a Global Day of Action on March 3rd, 2023. Our local chapter is organizing a Palo Alto Climate Rally where there will be speakers, music, dancing, tabling and good energy! We are one of many global climate events happening all across the world in solidarity. We hope through this event we can engage more community members and passionate people. The goal of this event is to nudge Palo Alto to become a leader for the world in migration away from fossil fuels. We would love your support in whatever capacity, and please let us know if you can make it!

If you are interested in getting involved, here are some ways we can collaborate to make this the place to be!

  • Attend: Join us on March 3 and let Palo Alto know how strongly you feel about the importance of addressing the climate crisis by lowering fossil fuel emissions in our community

  • Sponsor: We are a smaller organization so we could really use some support in planning and materials. If you can, we would love any help we can get

  • Partner: You can partner with us for this event and, potentially, have a table at the strike talking about all the amazing work you and your club are doing! You would have to bring a table for this but we would be happy to support you in whatever way we can to make this happen

Thank you so much for your support and let us know if there’s any way we can support your current work as well! 


Fridays For Future Palo Alto





Join us for the Global Climate Strike on March 3!:

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